The Garrys


Get Thee to a Nunnery

The fourth LP and third studio album from The Garrys, Get Thee to a Nunnery is available now. Produced by Dallas Good, and released on Grey Records. Streaming digitally and available on vinyl, CD, and cassette.

Get Thee To A Nunnery is a huge step up for a group who’ve always had a great pop record in them—and here it is. […] Full and lush, the sisters’ harmonies alternately eerie and velvety as the band mixes up a nostalgic potion of doo-wop, sad-eyed country & western, and spectral surf while the lyrics explore the more repressive cultural aspects of the midcentury era that inspired their own sound.”
Bandcamp Daily

The Garrys -  Get Thee To  A Nunnery

Dreamy blood harmony surf rock doom-wop on morphine.


Warm Buds

Warm Buds cements The Garrys as a group worth keeping an eye on.”


Surf Manitou

“[Surf Manitou is] sparkling with mood, power, beauty and anything you want from a record.”

-Grey Productions, Netherlands


“I can’t emphasize enough how blown away and how amazing this record [Häxan: Witchcraft Through the Ages] is.”

-Peter Mills (CBC Saskatchewan)